Returns Management

I received a wrong or defective product, how can I return it?

If you have received a wrong or defective product you can request a return by sending a photo of the defect via email to or via WhatsApp on +39 333 3357003

Once we have received the request and the photo of the defect we will accept your return. You will receive an email with a coupon to print and stick on the package. We will then agree on a date and send the SDA courier to collect your package. We will issue the refund as soon as we receive the return.

Items must be returned in their original condition, including tags and any packaging. All products will be examined upon return.

For any doubts or requests you can call us or contact us via WhatsApp at +39 333 3357003.

Do I have to pay anything to make a return?

You don't have to worry about shipping costs, they are totally free. Items must be returned in their original condition, including tags and any packaging. All products will be examined upon return.

How long do I have to return the items?

You have 48 hours from when you receive the products.

Can I return all items?

No, returns can only be made if there are errors or defects in the garments. Delay in the delivery of the goods by the transport company is not a valid reason for making a return.

The color of the product is different from that displayed on the web

Depending on the monitor setting used to view the page, the shades of the products may vary slightly. We are not responsible for errors resulting from misinterpretation.

What type of product can I return?

Please note that, for hygiene reasons, some products cannot be returned unless they have been left in their original packaging or are faulty.